
Tuesday 20 December 2016


This moodbaord is a collage of image related to the genre of my media products, which is folk. I include images taken from the internet, as well as my own images, and screen shots taken from our groups first photo shoot. The moodboard represents nature, friendship and life and really emphasises the symbolism seen in real media folk products. I purposely picked black and white images for the left hand side of the moodbard, and bright colourful images for the right hand side. I did this because this colour contrast is something we want to show in our music video, as my group and I have a idea to have the first part of the video, with video of us alone, in black and white, and as soon a we come together in the flash into colour. This represents that friendship is important, and being together with people you appreciate and have a strong relationship which will lighten you up as an individual. The continuity between this moodbaord and our music video ideas is very successful, emphasing the representations of folk.

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